Manhattan Project

The Manhattan project was a research project that developed the atomic bomb.

the first atomic bomb made was the little boy bomb, although the scientests were happy that they created the atomic bomb they were also sad an fearful because of the destruction it could cause.The second bomb was called fat man witch was a little bit bigger.

 little boy ab

‘This is the Little Boy bomb’

The first droping of the atombic bomb  was on hiroshima 1946  it was the dropping of the Little Boy bomb it was a devistaton to the rest of Japan  from when the bomb was dropped

the citicens of Hiroshima had 45 seconds to live and 2 seconds befor hitting the ground  it blew up.

Fat Man atomic bomb                                             Thisis a picture of the ‘Fat Man’ atomic bomb.

 devastation at hiroshima

This was the devastation after ‘Little Boy’ was dropped.

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